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Talking face to face, writing letters, calling on a phone, sending emails, semaphore, Morse Code, sign language, and pig latin are all valid methods of communicating with a delusional person. Whether that delusional person will believe or trust you is another matter all together.

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13y ago

GENERAL TIPS to deal with people having paranoid delusions is 1. Not to disagree overtly with their delusional ideas. 2. Be very particular in ensuring that the person is taking medicines and attending follow up visits with the treating team of doctors. SPECIFIC TIPS Ask and learn from the doctor specifics about how to deal. Attend support groups. Rational Emotive Therapy (R.E.T.) or other form of Counseling preferably from the same team of doctors who are treating the person with paranoid delusions is often required for family or people who are staying along with them. It is difficult to deal with people having paranoid delusions and people who live with such person or the care givers are also adversely affected. So care of care givers should never be neglected.

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11y ago

To care for someone that has delusions, make sure that they are taking the proper medication that has been prescribed for them. Make sure to follow any doctor or psychologists orders and not expose them to anything that would trigger their condition.

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