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it is really unsanitary if you are going to clean it useing your tounge i stronly suggest you use a sanitary spray then start your licking...

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Q: How do you clean your toilet by licking it?
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Is licking the toilet seat good for you?

No. People sat on it.

Why and how to clean toilet?

use Mr. Clean and a toilet scrubber.

Can Muslims pray in toilet?

why do you clean the toilet

If you decide to lick a toilet what would happen?

Licking a toilet seat can expose you to harmful bacteria and germs, leading to infections and illnesses. It is not safe or recommended to lick a toilet for any reason.

How do you get toilet paper out of and elephants but hole?

This is a very difficult task. You must reach up the anal opening at least 4 feet. And as it will be hard to find, you may also want to stick your head in as well. And when it is located, all you have to do is pull it out. To clean off the toilet paper i recommend licking it with your tongue.

How does a wolf keep itself clean?

it cleans itself by licking it

Does a dog look after it's young?

keeps it clean by licking it or them

How does a lion take care of itself?

licking itself clean!

Is Toilet water clean?

yes,toilet water is clean it is actually the same water you drink........if its flushed No, it have AIDS in it.

Dryed out lip piercing?

Standard. Avoid licking it and moving around, keep it clean and it'll heal up. Standard. Avoid licking it and moving around, keep it clean and it'll heal up.

What do you clean the toilet with?

With a sponge or a toilet scrubber. Don't forget to use bleach..