One suggestion is Lemon or Lemon rinds
Rubbing it gently with sodium bicarbonate.
The acid in the drink gets into the tarnished or the dirt particles and will clean it but you might have to leave it in for a few days.
You can clean a tarnished metal frame of an old vintage purse with baking soda and water. Make a paste out of the baking soda and water and using an old toothbrush, scrub the metal frame of the purse gently. Wipe away the residue with a clean, damp cloth.
Mix salt and vinigear, and soak it in. But if its valubale, DO NOT USE TOO MUCH SALT.
with soap
I don't know the process to clean a tarnished firearm. However, if it is a very old one, or you think it has historical and/or monetary value, DO NOT ATTEMPT TO CLEAN IT. This can cause trouble in dating the weapon and will drastically lower its value. Collectors and appraisers like old, historic firearms as-is, with tarnish, rust and all. One way of cleaning without damaging is to clean with 0000 steel wool and gun oil....
put in a glass of cheap coca cola and leave over night
Use windex and a coffe filter liner thing to wipe it off and it should be gone... has an article about spring cleaning and they say to use a tablespoon of salt &1 cup of white vinegar added to boiling water to clean tarnished copper.