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Your parent's brothers are your uncles and your parent's sisters are your aunts.

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Q: How do you call your mother's or father's brothers and sisters?
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Your cousin.

How do you call mothers brothers?

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What would you call my fathers brothers son?

That would be your Cousin.

Why we call our mrother's sister son?

Our cousins are our mothers sisters son :)

What did kids call their parents in US in 1800s?

Fathers: Mothers: Mum, ma'am, mama Fathers: Pa, Pop, Father, Papa

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your great aunt.

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Why do they call it a half brother or sister?

Your half-brothers and half-sisters (half-siblings) are called half because instead of having the same mother and the same father as you, you have only one parent in common. Thus, you have half the common parentage that full siblings have. Half-siblings have the same father and different mothers, or the saem mother and different fathers.

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