loud and not loud
Real loud,I am not kidding!Some can burp louder than a lion's roar.no hes exagerating its louder than an explosion
Michelle Gwok Did In that Book I Thinks =]
They love in when you burp and fart really loud. for some reason they get verry turned on. also make sure to be disgusting.
swallow a ton of air and drink soda really fast. now try to push the burps out. no doubt, they will come loud and clear.
Please don't spam questions and answer them yourself... does it matter?
Really? OF COURSE THEY.... DO!
not unless it's cute, but probably not. If it's silent then sure, but loud stuff, NO
Throw it over your shoulder and pat it on the back until it burps. Really have no idea what you mean by "burp".
really loud
do something to introduce more air to your stomach. you will eventually burp. if your really having trouble tho, call a doctor