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Every time you have the urge, get a tissue and wrap it around your finger!

If you're a girl, wear nail polish. You can't get anything with rounded nails.

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Q: How do you break the habit of picking your nose?
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What bad habit is also known as rhinotillexis?

Picking your nose

What is Gary race's favourite habit?

picking his nose and farting!

What is the term for picking your nose?

nose picking is called rhinotillexomania when compulsive, and rhinotillexis for standard cases. (etymology: Greek, rhino "nose" + tillexis "habit of picking" + mania).

What is a bad habit a little kid would have?

Picking nose,Chewing nails,Lying,Swearing,

What habit does an onychophagist have?

An onychophagist is someone who has the habit of biting their nails. This habit can result in damage to the nails and cuticles, as well as potential infections.

Does nail biting cause harm to the body?

It will not cause harm to your body, it is just a nasty, germy habit. Just like picking your nose...........

How do nose bleeds occur and what are the common causes behind them?

Nosebleeds happen when the delicate blood vessels in the nose break and bleed. Common causes include dry air, nose picking, allergies, and injuries.

Is picking your bad for you?

Picking your nose can make your nostrils red and sore if frequent picking is occurring. If you keep picking your nose, the inside of the nasal passage may become irritated, raw, and can cause bleeding of the nose. Once in a while is okay, but frequent picking can lead to a raw, and sometimes bloody nose.

Learning the secret to stop picking your nose?

When you feel the urge to pick your nose be sure you have Kleenex on hand and remember to blow your nose instead of picking your nose. If you have dry nostrils then you may have some sinus problems and should see your doctor.

Another word for picking your nose?

nose mining

Is nose picking fatal?

Hahaha no! Everybody does it and I haven't heard of any nose picking related deaths yet.

What is another word for picking your nose?

Nudging nose nuggets.