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Q: How do you bill procedure 99214 with procedure 96372?
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Related questions

What is code 96372?

96372 is the procedure code indicating an injection. It is not a diagnosis code.

What is diagnosis code 96372?

96372 is the procedure code indicating an injection. It is not a diagnosis code.

What is procedure code 99214?

CPT Code 99214- Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient.

What is procedure code 99214 for?

CPT Code 99214- Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient.

What is the medical billing code for intramuscular injection?

CPT procedure code: 96372 (NOTE: You would also need to specify another code for the substance or drug which was injected)

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What is the new cpt code for procrit injection?

96372 or Q0136 or J0886. It depends on your setting (facility) and what codes the insuracnce will take to pay the bill.

What is medical service code 96372?

96372 is Therapeutic,prophlactic,or diagnostic injection(specify substance or drug) subcutanious or intramuscular

How do you b12 injection?

96372, J3420

What is this medical code 96372?

CPT Code 96372- Therapeutic, prophylactic, or diagnostic injection (specify substance or drug); subcutaneous or intramuscular

What is the new CPT code for 90788?

In 2006 the coding procedure for injections was changed and 90772 was made the universal code for all injections. This was again changed in 2009 and 96372 is now the universal code.

What does CPT service code 99214 mean?

CPT Code 99214- Office or other outpatient visit for the evaluation and management of an established patient.