Talk to them when you see them. if you're shy then you'll get over it by getting the nerve to talk to people. being shy usually lasts as long as you allow it to last
If youre unsure then get one of youre friends or one of his friends to ask him who he likes or if he likes you
Not really, if you dont like someone but they like you the best thing to do is spend time with other friends and subtly hint how you feel. If you told someone else that youre not friends with a perticular person, it depends on how they feel towards them.
its either youre friends with a square or your straight or gay?
It means dont mess with her or break her heart or her friends will very quickly become youre worst enemy.
its when someone pulls youre underwear 3times. and a atomic wiegie is when someone pulls your underwear and puts it over youre eyes
No, of course not. Unless there is some specific legal bar to communications, you can talk to anyone you choose.
Do they act like they could care less what youre saying? Do they ask how your day was and actually listen to your answer? Do they constantly ask you for things? Do they ignore you when your friends are around? Do they care if youre not feeling well? Do they do little things for you? Tally 'em up! Hope this helps!
Be an artist. At 12, youre growing up and finally want to be possible things -aka not to rule the world or become best friends with a unicorn.
just go up and kiss him youre a girl youre independent strong and alive make the most of it!
That youre a fake
That means youre whipped. She did good with you..
Yeah When Youre Single Yeah It's Okay But Not If Youre In a Relationship With Someone or Married too someone because it would be considered cheating then