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Don't try to be someone else. If the way you act makes you feel uncomfortable or odd in any way, stop, take a step back and think about what you should be doing in the situation. If for instance, you were talking to a guy, don't say you love his favourite band when the reality is that you'd rather gouge your eyes out with a rusty nail than listen to them. You WILL get found out. Just be honest!!! This is something I made up: "God made us all special. Even though you may hate some parts about yourself, you've got to remember God loves every part of you. Shouldn't that be all that matters? When you call yourself, or anyone else in that matter, ugly, you're just telling God that he did a bad job. Sure, people will say you're pretty, but the only way to believe it is to belive it yourself. You don't need makeup, or other people to make you beuatiful, you need to be yourself. And that's all that really counts. Speak as yourself, dress as yourself, act as yourself. Because trying to be someone else is just copying their specialness, and wasting yours." -Sarah

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βˆ™ 16y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

Be your self. You are your own person. If they dont accept you than they are not the right type of friend for you. You want a good trustworthy friend. So be yourself if will help you later.

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