That would depend if you are just waiting in hopes something will become of you again in the future or if you are waiting for them because they are out of town on business, war etc. If you are waiting for someone because you are taking a break and the your loved one said they needed time - don't. In most cases there is no reconciliation and you must come to terms with that and move on. If you are waiting for them as they are out of town for any length of time but returning, if you truly love them you will be patient as they will be returning to you soon.
you should learn that when you love someone, you have to wait for them to love you back.
It would be best to move - especially if they have.
Go screw everyone around you. Spread the love!
move on he is just using you
Mate, move on and find another or you can just wait... for him /her to be available c: GOOD LUCK! <3
Wait for the relationship to crash, find someone else you love, try to get her to like you (sometimes even though they have a boyfriend, they start to like someone else), be very nice to her, wait for any chance to get them even thinking about breaking up and try to get them to break up.
Is she in love or lust? If he is cheating on his wife for the mistress. Chances are he'll get another mistress if she becomes his 2nd wife. Drop him and find someone who will be faithful to the women he makes commitments to.
Wait a few years to tell her because if you tell her now, she could get freaked out. Wait a while because she also could like you bake a change her mind later and you would be crushed! And as you grow, you could fall in love with someone else and if you told her, she would be crushed! So, I would just wait.
YOU DON'T...YOU WAIT UNTIL YOU ARE OLDER. DON'T RUSH YOUR LIFE...GO TO SCHOOL AND LEARN FIRST. you don't! Enjoy 12 year old life, do not rush into adulthood. Wait till you are at the very least 16. Wait till you grow up and the boys will come to you by simply being yourself.And although you may hear that from a lot of other people,its true.because someone will truly like you just for the way you are,not for acting like someone else.just be patient,someone will come along soon enough.
It just happens when it happens, be patient.
Try keeping busy with your friends or perhaps plan a few things you know this person would love to do and surprise him/her. Keep busy because the time goes faster.
well this just happened to me so if that happens just do what i did leave it alone and wait till he likes yu or dumps the other girl :)