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The best way to avoid getting dysentery is to avoid exposure to its causes; dysentery can have a number of causes, whatever the cause the end result is the same. It starts with very painful inflammation of the intestinal track, which leads to watery diarrhea with blood and/or mucus. One of the major causes of dysentery is contaminated water; other causes are contaminated foods, poor sanitation and poor hygiene. Those who are most susceptible are infants and the elderly; also those with autoimmune issues are also more at risk.

There are several microorganisms (bacteria and parasites) that can cause dysentery, Shigella (a bacterium). There are four types of Shigella organisms; there are records indicating that Shigella has been around since mankind's early history. Other causes of Dysentery are Entamoeba histolytica a one cell amoeba parasite; Schistosomiasis which is caused by a parasitic worm which leads to "bilharzial dysentery"; Campylobacter jejuni (a bacterium); Vibrio cholerae (a bacterium), Giardiasis (a parasite)… Additionally some Food Poisoning can cause dysentery, such as, Salmonella (a bacterium) and Escherichia coli "E. coli (a bacterium). As well as serious infections with can lead to dysentery along with other serious symptoms, such as, Clostridium difficile a bacterium which is related to the bacterium that cause botulism and tetanus; and Staphylococcus aureus a bacterium which cause other serious issues in along with dysentery.

How to avoid getting dysentery:

  • Wash your hands before meals to avoid introducing bacteria and parasites to your system.
  • Always wash your hands after using the restroom, to avoid exposure or passing E. coli to others, as well as yourself.
  • Avoid putting your fingers inside your mouth as much as possible, since you can pick up infectious bacteria or a parasite anywhere and anytime.
  • Make sure you have access to clean drinking water or that you treat contaminated water with chemicals that are designed to treat and kill the bacteria or parasites in contaminated water.
  • Always clean vegetables and fruit before eating them, and cook your meat well to kill any E. coli or other food born bacterium.
  • Avoid, swimming in slow moving water that is exposed to pollutants which can cause bacteria and parasites to flourish. It is possible that you might inject some of the polluted water.
  • If you work outside in the dirt, make sure you wash your hands when you are done working, since some bacteria and parasites live, grow and multiply well in soil.
  • Also avoid walking barefoot in mud, parasites live, grow and multiply in mud too. In some parts of the country there are outbreaks of some of these bacterium and parasites. Going barefoot in mud, also increases the chance of your exposure to dissolved fecal waste

Sadly, many of these have become resistant to antibiotics; so your doctor must take special care in finding the right treatment and prescription for you. And seeing the doctor quickly and as soon as you begin to display symptoms is very important. Some of these can cause internal damage even death if you wait too long to seek medical help.

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12y ago

dyaentery is caused due to the intake of impure water. we can prevent it by driinking pure water, taking healthy food and medicines as well.

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