You have to contact them and generally it's best to do it face to face. Ask them if they will meet you somewhere to talk things out. Hopefully they are still open to your suggestion. Good luck!
some one can band together with some friends to raise money or ask cartoonnetwork to make a contest and see what happens
be a pilot.
Well u can find some one they know and u know and ask for his or her #.
ask the gov they are the only one who has money back then
to bring back a girl you got to show her that you care, always be around for her. Do your best to show her that you are the best one for her. This would be more easy to answer if you would state why yall are not together anymore. But you have to have hope to do not give up on trying to get her back. I believe that all relationships with love should not end. You must love this girl to ask how to get her back, all you have to do is think, you know what she likes and what is fun to her. Ask her to give you one day to show her that you should be together, but you have to be really good to her an make sure everything goes right. If you really want her back you will get her back.
people say they are but I am really not sure okay so ask some one else They moved in together a few months ago.
Yes there back together wail some fans wer interviewing them they ask them if nick girl frend was famous alott,and joe Jonas sed ''I, THINK NO ONE IS MORE FAMOUS THEN MILEY CYRUS.
You have to ask the Illuminati, they are suppressing the time machines but if you ask they will let you borrow one
well that's a little hard, if you talk to her a lot you can just ask because "I want to hang out some time" if you have classes together ask so you can "text some one during class" if you have classes together you can ask for it so you two can study together or doing a project together, also have so you have some one to get your HW should you miss class, these are all ok covers for getting a phone, but nothing is better than the truth, look her in the eye and say "can I have you number" if she asks why smile a little and say "I want to call you duh"
Yes. They're back together. They really meant to be and no one can break that tie.
Simply ask her out. Don't try to be clever with some pickup line. If you really enjoy being together then that should be enough.
YES!!! Not necessarily. There are reasons why she is an ex. If you do decide to try, take it slow.