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If you want to keep your friend, I would suggest NEVER playing this card. It is considered an unwritten guy rule, if you cross this line, your friendship will be destroyed. Find your own fish to fry, or you'll fry yourself.

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Q: How do you ask out your best friends ex girlfriend?
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If you and your ex girlfriend are going to try and remain friends the best thing to do is to behave in an appropriate manner. Being friends with an ex takes a lot of being patient and maturity.

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you can never trust no man with any girl, your friend even if you are best friends and his ex girlfriend... --------------------- A couple can split up and still be friends. Ex-boyfriends and ex-girlfriends are not always each other's enemies after a break up.

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She asks your friends how you are doing, if you are seeing anyone and if you ask about her.

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The only way to know if your ex-girlfriend will think about you when you leave school is to ask her. Your ex-girlfriend may or may not think about you when you leave school.

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i went through the same thing with my ex boyfriend!!! if they have moved on and maybe you haven't just talk to them and ask if you could still be friends!! i mean it worked for me and we are the best of friends right now and we always will be!!

If your best friend is friends with your ex girlfriend should you be friends with them?

You can still be friends with your friend, but just try to remember to not get to close to your ex, and remember that your ex may be trying to make you jealous (it is possible that they aren't though). It is OK to be friends with an ex.

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no she is his brother's ex girlfriend they were best friends though

When should a man stop being friends with his ex-girlfriend?

when the ex girlfriend is dating your brother or friends. that pissis me off it happened to me thats when all of my friends stop being friends with the ex and my ex bestie.

Im going out with my best friends ex girlfriend but he still loves her. I think and she is doing the same things to me which she did when she was going out with my friend what should I do?

you have to be calm and see if the girl is really worth all the problem and have a word with your girlfriend ex and ask him how she broke up with him and compare your situation and his.

I made out with my best friend's ex-girlfriend. What do I do now?

Well, considering that he is your best friend then you have an obligation to tell him. That is what best friends do. if you like the girl and she likes you, then ask your friend if he would be offended or hurt if you two were together.

Your Ex wants to kiss you but his girlfriend is your best friend?

Tell your best friend and don't let him kiss you. Approach the matter very catiously. Your Ex is just that, but good friends are hard to come by. If your Ex persists then tell your girlfriend.

How do you get an ex-girlfriend back after 7 months if you have been good friends since?

ask her the quicker you find out the better