You say, "Let's go out for some Chinese!" This seems like a silly question unless you mean ask him in his native tongue? In esp. you say, "?Quires salir conmigo!?" sounds-like: Key'eh'res sa'leir cohn'meego? (wanna hang out with me?)
am Mexican and my boy here is a potorican am Mexican and my boy here is a potorican am Mexican and my boy here is a potorican am Mexican and my boy here is a potorican
Brown boy is not Mexican, Brown boy is mixed.
Mexican boy is a dude that came from Mexico and made a huge improvement in science, probaly the first boy to improve that rocks had their own admosphire. Ans since that day the people started calling him, Mexican boy Made by, Mexican boy!!
a Mexican boy that loves sofia a Mexican boy that loves sofia a Mexican boy that loves sofia -------- It's an Italian name. And the boss of Team Rocket.
ask a mexican :l
never, the boy has to ask you out first!
The best way to get a Mexican boy to notice you is to talk to him more often. There is no way to make someone like you.
Just be yourself
Ask one of his friends!
Ask a mexican
don't aver ask a boy out u have to lat him ask you first
You ask him out.