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Just talk to her after school and ask her if she wanted to hang out with you and your friends tell her she could bring some of her friends too then its not so awkward then when she leaves your party ask her for her number and tell her you will call her. Then later that night call her so she knows you can be trusted and on the phone ask her on another date and you'll call her tomorrow with the deets. then really sweetly, tell her goodnight.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

well the same way you ask out anybody. I'v never asked out anyone I'v always been asked out but wen they asked me out they did over fone/txtn or they did it face to face. just ask her to go out with you. good luck !

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Q: How do you ask a 7th grade girl out when your in 6th?
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Maybe if they like them and they know the girl likes them back and they're brave!

How do you ask out a 7th grade girl when in 6th grade?

Say 'Hi my names ........, fancy grabbing some Milkshake? Maybe even a soda?' ;)

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It depends. You shouldn't ask a girl out just because of the grade you're in.

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you just go up to her and ask her out.

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ask the boy or girl out

Should you ask a 6th grade girl for her phone number?

From a 6th grade girl, yea! She'd love that, it's really sweet. Ask her if you haven't already!!!!!!!!!

What do you do if you like a 6th grader girl?

Well, this is coming from a sixth grade girl (almost 7th grade). Anyway, if u two are friends or she likes u. U should ask her out. If u are not friends then I suggest becoming them before u ask her out.

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you hav to ask her out dar

You are a 7th grade girl and you want to know if a 8th grade boy is flirting with you?

fist ask him and if you shy ask a firnd to ask him

When is a good time to ask a girl to be your girlfriend?

I'd say 7th or 8th grade, I'm in 6th but I still think that's a bit young

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ask her to, or ask if you can sit next to her.

Lines to ask a girl out in 6Th grade?

you should not be asking a girl out in sixth grade you will have plenty of time for that in high school