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Take a bike pump and stick it in your azz and pump until you become bloated

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Q: How do you air bloat?
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Can you bloat your belly by sucking air out of balloons?


Can you inhale air through your mouth to bloat your belly?

No, inhaling air through your mouth will not bloat your belly. Bloating is commonly caused by gas accumulation in the digestive system, not by simply inhaling air. It is not a healthy or effective way to bloat your belly.

What do you give a goat with bloat?

It is said that you can give baking soda free-choice to goats in prevention from bloat. So you could very well try that to cure it. Though, if bloat gets bad enough, incisions are made to let the air out, often by vets, or experienced owners.

Can cereal bloat the belly?

yes it can!!bloat

What kind of fish is bloat from Finding Nemo?

Bloat is a porcupinefish.

Can apples bloat people?

Too much of anything can bloat people.

What is Tagalog of bloat?

The Tagalog translation of "bloat" is "panlupaypay" or "panbuhos."

Does tea make you bloat?

i dont know but jacinta makes you bloat...

Does oatcakes make you bloat or put on weight?

does oatcakes make u bloat

Why do frogs bloat up?

Frogs bloat up as a defense mechanism to appear larger and more intimidating to potential predators. This inflation is typically caused by the frog inflating its body with air or water.

Does a bloat float?

Dictionaries dodge this persistent question.They mention cattle bloat and corporate bloat and bloatware but take no stand on floatability.These comments may be helpful:Does a Bloat Float?With cattle bloat it's usually foundthat in a lake they'll bob around.But corporate bloat is sure to sinka company in its own red ink.For bloated apps? It's sink or swim.Our bloatware hugely needs a trim!

What is the name of the puffer fish from nemo?

His name is Bloat and he's actually a porcupinefish.