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To apply ear drops, wash your hands first. To avoid contamination, do not touch the dropper tip or let it touch your ear or any other surface. Lie on your side or tilt the affected ear upward. Hold the dropper directly over the ear and place 5 to 10 drops into the ear canal. To help the drops roll into the ear of an adult, hold the earlobe up and back. In children, hold the earlobe down and back. Keep the head tilted for several minutes or insert a soft cotton plug in the ear.

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Q: How do you administer the medication of otic?
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Can personal care assistant administer medication?

No, absolutely not! A PCA may remind the client it is time for their meds and may even bring the meds to the client. But a PCA is not trained to administer medication of any kind!

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To administer medication safely and effectively to dogs, injections should be given in the muscle or under the skin. It is important to consult a veterinarian for proper guidance on the specific injection site and technique for each medication.

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Can a personal care assistant legally administer medication?

No, absolutely not! A PCA may remind the client it is time for their meds and may even bring the meds to the client. But a PCA is not trained to administer medication of any kind!