The nurse will administer the sedative.I need to administer all of this paperwork by Friday.The vet decided to administer a painkiller to the kitten.
Administer Trentino was created in 2008.
The suffix word for administer is administration.
Some popular IT admin jobs include: IT System Applications Administer, Windows System Administer, Network Administer and Equity Trade Support Administer.
The teacher will administer some tests to determine your placement in the fall semester. The school nurse will administer the medication after lunch.
I will attempt to administer to you the meaning of administration.
Medical Assistants are not allowed to administer Immunizations, they are not licensed and does not have authority to administer, authority exists them to give immunizations.
You can administer ibuprofen to a potbelly pigs in a couple of different ways. You can administer it through an injection or feeding it to the pig.
I had to go administer at the main office at my new school.
ah-d-men-neh-ster is how you would pronounce administer.
do you administer humalog 5 to 10 minutes prior to meal
The people who administer intramuscular injections are trained before they are allowed to administer injections to humans. Sometimes they are trained on pieces of fruit first.