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Asalamu Alaykum- meaning (Peace be unto you)

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Q: How do you address a Muslim in writing?
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What was Muslim calligraphy a combination of?

It is made of art and decorative writing :) -Cathy Kwon-

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Muslim women are allowed to address men, women and children.

What address should you use when writing a complaint letter to the principal?

Use the address of the school as the to address, and your own home address as the from address.

How do you address a princess in writing?

dear slag

How do you write an address?

The address is just the address. What makes it airmail is writing "airmail" on the envelope and paying airmail postage.

Which part of a letter identifies the address of the personal writing the letter?

The return address on a letter identifies the address of the person writing the letter. It is typically placed at the top left corner of the envelope or letter.

Format of postcard writing?

Receivers address on the right. I do not think a return address is necessary. I believe the rest of the format should be like writing a note or a letter.

How do you write an airmail address?

The address is just the address. What makes it airmail is writing "airmail" on the envelope and paying airmail postage.

How do you address mr in Spanish?

Señor or "Sr." in writing.