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Consume several pots of coffee and smoke lots of weed.

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drink a lot of water befor you are expecting to have sex or masturbate

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Q: How do you 'ejaculate' more semen?
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You ejaculate semen everyday is it all-right?

Yes because you testes are continually producing more of it, so you won't run out of it. If you don't ejaculate semen it is just reabsorbed back into your body anyway so you might as well have the fun of ejaculating it.

What is the name of the fluid produced by the male which sperm swim in?

Semen is the term for the mixture of fluid and sperm

Is there any tips on producing more semen or sperm because I think I've got a low count......about half a teaspoon I'm are 15 if this changes anything?

There aren't really any ways to increase the quantity of semen that you ejaculate. However from half a teaspoon to around a full tablespoon are probably average quantities. As a you get a little older your testes may still grow some more before puberty is over and you may produce more semen then. Also each time you ejaculate it takes a while for your testes to replace the semen which you have just lost. If you ejaculate soon after a previous ejaculation your body may not have had time to replace the lost semen so each successive ejaculate is likely to be a little less than the one before. If you leave it for a while before you next ejaculate you may find that you ejaculate more. Answer: I have heard that Mountin Dew increases your sperm count but im not sure if it works but its worth a try

Why is your semen lumpy?

It may mean that you need to ejaculate more.

Will you ejaculate more semen by waiting several days? ------ Yes, the amount will increase but there will be more dead and unviable sperm in a large "load" of saved-up semen. You may get to 20 ml this way.

Can you get pregnant with pre-ejaculate and no penetration?

if no semen actually gets inside then no. But if some did get in then yes, it is totally possible. The more semen there is, the higher chance of pregnancy and with pre ejaculate there's usually a little bit so the chances arent very high. But there's still a chance

Why is semen sometimes thin?

Semen will vary day to day and every man is different. There is no right consistency. On average it will be some what thick, but watery is normal also. It also depends on how often you ejaculate. If you ejaculate once a week, then semen will be thick. If you ejaculate several times a day, it will be thin and watery (but still with millions of sperm in it).

Will a female get naked for someone when a doctor wants them to ejaculate a deposit of semen?

If a doctor asks you to ejaculate to get your semen, he'll most likely give you a playboy or hustler and leave you alone for a few minutes.

How Much Semen Does A Man Hold?

the average man has around 3 tablespoons of semen he can ejaculate.

If drinking heavily and couldn't get an erection how likely is it to get a women pregnant?

To get a woman pregnant semen has to come in contact with the vagina. It is possible to ejaculate without an erection, did you ejaculate? And if so did the ejaculate come in contact with her vagina? Without an erection it would be difficult to deposit the semen deep within her vagina so it would be more difficult to get pregnant but I suppose if you ejaculated without an erection then took the ejaculate and pushed it into her vagina then it would be possible.

How many days should An unmarried boy ejaculate his semen?

it depends because if your in puberty its normal to ejaculate very often

How much a chubby man ejaculate semen?

Same as a nonchubby man.