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eating something that might have had parasites in it

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Q: How do worms get in you?
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Related questions

What worms can live inside the human body?

Flatworms such as tape worms and flukes, and roundworms such as trichinosis-causing worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms and hook worms.

Are meal worms real worms?

Meal-worms are actually beetle grubs - NOT worms.

How are worms different from flat worms?

round worms are round and flat worms are flat!

Are silk worms worms?

silk worms are tiny worms hanging from silk on a tree

Do worms have bone?

No worms do not have bones

What are wig worms?

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Does Pig have worms In Their Body?

Yes, they can have large white roundworms, red stomach worms, whip worms, thread worms, kidney worms, zipper tapeworms, nodule worms, lungworms, thorn-headed worms, and Trichinella worms, among others.

Do worms get worms?


Can you name me 3 types of major worms?

Round worms, segmented worms, and flat worms

Do humans eat worms?

yes worms do eat worms. there are many parts of the world where they eat worms.

Which worms game in the worms series is the best?

worms 3d is the best

What is a collective noun for worms?

The collective noun for worms is a clew of worms.