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look bothways before you cross the street

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Q: How do we try to stop bad things from happening to us?
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What was Disney channel's first comedy show?

The first Disney channel comedy show was that's so raven...if you don't know then it's about a girl called raven played by raven symone she has visions and she dos everything to the best of her ability to try and stop the bad things from happening,sometimes she mistakes her visions for other things.

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stop driving cars recycle and try to stop pollution with the big industries

How bad is the problem of poaching in Alberta?

it is vary bad try to stop it??????

How do you stop having a bad attitude?

try counting to ten that is what i do it works on small things only though. Also if there is a person bothering you don't respond to them it gets them angry and then they stop

How did people in 1918 try to stop any more wars happening?

so that people can not die

Why do i sniff my hands is it a bad habbit how can i stop?

That is weared just try not to do it

How help your friend to stop smoking?

You could try taking him or her to therapy, or try to educate them on how bad it is for their health.

Does the FBI turn allied gangs against each other?

No; they try to stop any gang or riot from happening or fighting.

What is prevention of injury?

It's pretty self explanatory, it is a way where you try to prevent (stop/avoid) a potentially injury from happening.

What is injury prevention?

It's pretty self explanatory, it is a way where you try to prevent (stop/avoid) a potentially injury from happening.

How do you get over a crush you have?

Although it may be hard, just try and think of all the bad things about him/her. Although it may be hard, just try and think of all the bad things about him/her.