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Q: How do we maintain protect and preserve health amides the rising development of our community?
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how do we maintain protect and preserve health amidst the rising development of our community?

how do we maintain protect and preserve health amidst the rising development of our community

How do you maintain protect and preserve the health at your community?

Having a discipline.

How do we maintain protect and preserve health amidst the rising development of your community?

it can protect by having it more aware of what is happening in our lives.

What is the police officer's definition of 'protect and serve'?

To preserve and protect the constitution and community by enforcing the law and protecting an individual's constitutionally protected rights.

What are two duties of a policeman?

Two primary duties of a policeman are to maintain law and order in the community and to protect the lives and property of residents. They enforce laws, respond to emergency and non-emergency calls, and conduct investigations to maintain peace and safety within the society.

What are the ways to preserve and protect your country?

Some ways to preserve and protect your country include promoting unity and social cohesion, upholding the rule of law, investing in education and healthcare, maintaining a strong national defense, and practicing good governance with transparency and accountability. It's also important to foster a sense of patriotism and civic responsibility among citizens to contribute to the well-being of the country.

Does present or preserve have similar or contradictory meaning?

Present and preserve have distinct meanings. "Present" typically refers to showing or offering something, while "preserve" typically means to protect or maintain something in its original state. They do not have contradictory meanings.

What was the purpose of the development of Chinatowns?

Chinatowns were developed to provide a sense of community and support for Chinese immigrants in a new country. They offered a familiar environment with Chinese culture, food, and businesses, while also serving as a place to preserve traditions and protect against discrimination.

How do you protect and preserve landforms?

create a park or preserve

Why or why not do you think human development should be limited near wilderness areas?

Human development should be limited near wilderness areas to preserve biodiversity, protect natural habitats, and maintain ecological balance. Overdevelopment can lead to habitat destruction, displacement of wildlife, and decrease in natural resources. Allowing some areas to remain untouched helps sustain ecosystem health and biodiversity.

How can an individual family and community protect promote and maintain better health?

i dont know wat is d answer. bcos i am reseachng d answer also ........

What is The function of law enforcement?

They are the function of law enforcementto serve or service the people in community"to protect the citezento patrol which maintain peace in order"