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You should know that most guys are fairly shy about this, especially at a younger age which I'm assuming you are, so you have to be the one to make this move. Just show him that you like him in various ways like asking him what he is doing this weekend or what hes doing after school or whatever like that. Just spend a lot of time with him and write him notes and junk. Guys like it, trust me I am one. Then any chance you have to cuddle with him or if you are sitting on his lap or anything like that, just lean over and kiss him. If your feeling a little froggy, then leap...throw a little tongue in there. He won't complain, trust me.

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βˆ™ 19y ago
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βˆ™ 14y ago

This may seem obvious, but, ask him to. It's a fairly safe bet that he'll accept; most teen-aged males, whether they admit to it, or even realize it, sexuality is pretty prevalent in their thoughts, it's a hormonal, natural, thing. I would bet money that your boyfriend would gladly accept if you were to simply ask; and if you are too uncomfortable or shy to ask, just, move in, kiss him; he'll reciprocate. Finally if you're too shy to try either of those... You may be out of luck. Most of the time, it suffices to simply say "Do what feels right"! Best of luck to you!

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βˆ™ 15y ago

Well first the boy has to like u. and if ur on a date heres the first step....get close to him and lean over and get to a comftorable position and kiss!! if he likes it then u can do it more and start with the steps of making out ,when u makeout u basicly grab his hips and if he likes that start to open ur mouth and let ur tongue inside his mouth usually if he likes it he does it back if ur under 19 even if im 16 i know this advice ,just dont get to sexual quickly.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

My boyfriend is shy, and I am only 14 years old, but what I did was I told him what he wanted to hear. I explained to him why I loved him, and lucky I was to have him in my life and how much fun I've had dating him. Luckily he kissed me. You can't rush the first kiss, maybe the guy wants to save it for the perfect time, but if you really want him to, why don't you make the first attempt? It isn't the olden days so us girls are allowed to make the first move, so why not you just kiss him by surprise?

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βˆ™ 16y ago

There is no real way of getting a boy to like you you just have to be yourself and if he doesn't like you for who you are maybe he's no the right guy

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βˆ™ 14y ago

Lean close to a person and say to them do u love me and if they say yes u get really close and then u stumble into there face and then kiss.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

she has to like you 1st and know you quite well 4 it to be a loving kiss. if u just want a quick snog then ask her straight out though dont complain to me if it doesnt work out!!!

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