-Diets do work (well...most of them), just find one you like and stay with it
-Drink lots of water
-Exercise a lot
-Stay active
-Don't stop eating (you won't loose weight the right way and you will feel sick a lot) (you might not even lose weight, if you do it will be VERY little weight lose)
-Don't make your self sick
-Cut down what you eat
-Don't eat carbs
-Eat healthy
Here are SOME of the TIPS I try to follow everyday! (and you should too)
I may be 12 (almost 13) but i believe sexy is worth it!
And TRUST me that you will never do 5 and 6 because i used to stop eating and belive me you will not go anywhere with losing weight!
And don't forget readers ... DON'T GIVE UP! You can finish anything you stated
So, how can you get skinny in a healthy way? Well, here are suggestions from a variety of Answer/WikiAnswer contributors
First Contributor
In answer to the question here are three ways. You can do it through starvation, or anorexia, or through the HEALTHY combination of fat burning cardiovascular (cardio) exercise and a change of eating habits. You can immediately improve your diet by eliminating or strictly limiting refined processed carbohydrates.
Over-consumption of refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, high blood pressure, Heart disease, insulin resistance, type 2 Diabetes, and many other diet related diseases and conditions.
Replace those foods with more of the so-called 'fat burning' foods and make good use of the fat burning thermic effect of these foods. Drink plenty of water to enable your body to process these foods.
If you are unsure what these foods are, you will find free lists of refined processed carbohydrates and fat burning foods, and more detailed information about the thermic effect of fat burning foods, at the bottom of this answer.
Second Contributor
Severely cutting down your food intake may seem to be a solution but it can make you fatter. Your body will think that there is a food famine and go into starvation mode. Then your body stores as much body fat as possible to keep you alive. In addition, lets face it anorexia is not healthy. You will not be anorexic one day and then healthy another day. The consequences of anorexia can stay with you for the rest of your life. Exercise and healthy diet is the best answer to the question how can you get skinny. A how to get skinny diet does not include coated fried chicken wings and such. Do not eat foods high in fat, calories or carbohydrates and certainly avoid all refined processed carbohydrates (apart from a rare treat).
Third Contributor
Cardio exercise is a terrific body fat burner when done correctly. It is also excellent for heart health. For instructions on how to do cardio correctly, and for the free cardio exercise plans to get you started or to take you further, see the page links, at the bottom of this answer. The cardio exercise plans given there range from mild to intense.
Fourth Contributor
As already stated, eat healthy. A good answer to the question how can you get skinny is: do not starve yourself or your weight loss will slow right down or stop. You might not even lose any weight at all, because your body goes into starvation mode and holds on to your body fat in order to keep you alive. You can eat well, and exercise, and reach your goal if you do it correctly. Being healthy is the most important thing. You need to have a healthy amount of body fat or you can seriously damage your health. In addition to cardio exercise, engage in weight training if you are able. Eat healthier foods, exercise regularly, and drink lots of fresh water.
Fifth Contributor
Yes, in addition to the dietary changes already mentioned, cardio exercise is one of the best ways to lose excess body fat. It is an excellent fat burner. However, you will also need to change your eating habits. For example, swap chocolate and cakes for low carbohydrate fruit such as berries and avoid or limit refined processed carbohydrates. Eat right and only eat when it is time to eat. If you want a snack, eat fat burning foods, which contain no carbohydrates.
Avoid or strictly limit refined processed carbohydrates (apart from an occasional treat). As already stated, refined processed carbohydrates are a major cause of weight gain, obesity, heart disease, and many other diet related diseases and conditions.
Replace these foods with more of the so-called 'fat burning foods' and take advantage of the thermic effect of these nutritious foods to burn more body fat. In addition, engage in regular cardio exercise. Cardio exercise can range from very mild to very intense.
(Consult with your own physician before changing your eating or exercise habits, especially if you already have any known condition or disease.)
So, for the 'how can you get skinny' free plans and lists to show you how to do it in a healthy way, use the page links given below.
1. List of refined processed carbohydrates (to avoid or limit
2. Fat burning foods (to replace refined processed carbs) and more about the thermic effect of these foods
3. Mild Cardio Exercise Plan 1 (the easier plan)
4. Mild Cardio Exercise Plan 2 (the slightly harder plan)
5. Intense Cardio Exercise Plan 3 (very intense but very brief)
11 people, +others below, found this useful.
buy a treadmill or join a Basketball team Just don't try diets, it's not worth dying for
All countries have fat and skinny people. There are some that admire thinness, so most are skinny. Others admire plumpness so most are bigger. Colombia admires thinness, so most teenagers are skinny.
they wore really skinny acid jeans with bretts.also white tennies shoes.
Gym is good for all people, particularly teenagers.
So they can grow in proportion rather than going too skinny then put weight on
Girls whom are teenagers are affected mostly by appearance during puberty and this is how girls develop low self esteem.If a girl is skinny she should learn to love herself the way she is cause there is no way a girl whose skinny get fat.Sometimes it possible but rarely though genes.So if your skinny love yourself that way.
teenagers are pressured by there peers to looking skinny and to look good/ So then teenagers stop to eat and they have eating disorders.
It depends on how heavy or skinny a person is or how much they weigh. Not just that it also has to do with the fact Teenagers are going through growth spurts more often and thus the body wants more food.
All of the teen titans except for Cyborg are rather thin due to the fact that they are all young teenagers, and not big, buff adult superheroes.
Typical teenagers just wear skinny jeans and even teenage girls LOVE soccer/football when their teenagers. Teenagers also like to hang out with their friends until like 01:00 in the night!!! But once again... all teenagers are different.
Teenagers are wearing hollister long sleeved shirts with super tight skinny jeans ,sometimes a tank top or spaghetti strap with an aero hoodie over it and neon colored skinny jeans. Also they wear the fuzzy boots and flip flops
Not necessarily. If you're a fat pre-teen, you're probably also going to be a fat teenager unless you make changes in your diet and exercise habits.
Vintage tees and skinny jeans are in with most girls. Some guys wear skinny jeans too.Bright denim skinny jeans are popular too. Here are some popular brands and stores among Teenagers and young adults.American EagleAreopostleAbercrombieRalph LaurenPoloWet Sealand many othersMost of these stores and brands have higher prices.