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Plant hormones balances the hormones of humans. For example, soybean (Glycine max) affect the level of HDL, also affect the level of blood pressure and sex hormones estrogen due the phytoestrogen concentration of the plant.

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Q: How do plant hormones effect human health?
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Do plant hormones effect the fertilizing of vegetables?

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Jane A. Plant has written: 'Pollutants, human health, and the environment' -- subject(s): Environmental aspects, Health aspects, Effect of human beings on, Pollution, Nature

Does salt water effect the health of a plant?

yes, it usually damages it

What is the effect of lemonade on flowers?

None if you use 1 bottle. Constant usage of lemonade will cause the plant to wilter and eventually die. The sugar overload affects the hormones in the plant.

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All plant tropisms are controlled by?

Plant tropisms are controlled by plant hormones such as auxin, which helps regulate plant growth in response to environmental stimuli like light, gravity, and touch. These hormones influence the direction of growth in different plant parts, allowing the plant to adapt and thrive in its environment.

What is the difference between plant hormones and animal hormones?

The plant hormones different parts of the plants in a different way while the animal hormones affect the target cells in more than one organ.

Cost of plant hormones?

$122 from normal plant nursery's

Is molly's plant food bad for human consumption?

Molly plant food is " Not intended for human consumption " but no its not bad for you , they have to put that disclaimer for legal issues , molly plant food when " consumped " has a very similar effect of MDMA it gives you

What A plant response to a stimuli?

Plant growth hormones e.g. IAA.

Are plant hormones an example of an internal stimuli?

Yes many plant hormones are secreted by plants internally. Such as auxin, gibbrailin, cytokinin etc.

What regulates plant growth and development?
