by pulling up soil and throwing it away and also by littering on the land
They can misuse the parks by littering.
The ways that people misuses land resources and cause harm to the land are by:By cutting down treesBy building houses on hills(which caues soil erosion)Most importantly by polluting the land
Spamming or bullying are examples of misuse of Facebook.
by dumping in it :)
people can misuse fuel to waste fuel without any reason and now a days fuels are in very costly range and some people are not able to buy fuel because they have not much money to purchase and some peoples always misuse fuel can it is right please we have to close this misuse of fuels
pollution is caused by humansm and there misuse and improper dispoal of waste
There are many people that believe that space exploration is a misuse of money. These people feel that the money could be better used for medicine for example.
They maybe feel as though they should if in peer pressure, or just to fit in with a group or society of people.
Yes ma'am you can!
Land is a valuable natural resource -- what we have today is all we are ever going to have, at least in the forseeable future. If we abuse it or misuse it future generations will suffer.
when you misuse ecstasy.
1. They are dangerous if you misuse them2. Some people always misuse drugs trying to get high and kill themselves