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people die because their hypothalamus is out of control and it cant cool down fast enough and their body cant take any more of the heat so they die because their body isn't cooling down.

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Usually when body temperature is higher than 106 degrees Fahrenheit

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Q: How do people die of a fever?
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How many people die from rabbit fever?

There are no statistics as to how many people die from rabbit fever each year. There are an estimated 150-300 cases each year.

Do people die due to brain fever?

people are not similar than village people

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What percentage of people die from yellow fever?

researc says that 5-70% of people die from yellow fever today

How did Michelangelo Buonarroti die?

He got a fever, it was very usual for people to die of fevers back then because they didn't have medicine.We are only told he died from a fever.

What sickness did people die from in World war 2?

propbly fever, typhus

What kind of sickness did people die from in Holocaust?

Typhus, typhoid fever and dysentry.

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Is dinky fever deadly?

i don't know get dinky fever and if you die then i guess you can die of dinky fever.

Is yellow fever real?

Each year you have over 200,000 people affected by yellow fever. Almost 30,000 people die due to yellow fever each year. It is common in tropical Africa and South America.

What events in Fever 1793 are historical?

Well, Fever was actually real and people really did die from this event. AND NO CHEATING ON YOUR SUMMER READING PROJECT!