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if your not connecting naturally, then they're probably not the right person for you.

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Q: How do people connect in a relationship?
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How do you use the word connect?

You can use the word "connect" to describe establishing a relationship or link between two or more things, people, or ideas. For example, "I want to connect with you on LinkedIn" or "I feel a deep connection with nature."

What are relationships?

Relationship is a bond of respect and trust that connect two or more people. To strengthen the bond of relationship, one need to appreciate and respect the uniqueness of others without compromising their own dignity.

What is relationship in science?

Relationship means how two or more things affect and connect with each other.

What does it mean when two people 'connect'?

When two people connect, they feel a link between each other. This may involve finding chemistry, shared interests or other such things. They may connect in several different ways. They may connect spiritually or spiritually. They may find friendship, companionship, a special bond or maybe love. For example, many dating services help people to "connect" and by this they mean find other people who may share some of the same qualities/interests or possibly start a relationship.

How to draw entity relationship diagram?

To draw a relationship diagram, start by placing relationship at the center of the paper. Connect entities to the relationship, and branch out with the different attributes.

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Ligaments connect ones in joints

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Subordinating conjunctions connect dependent clauses to independent clauses, showing a relationship of dependence. Coordinating conjunctions connect independent clauses of equal importance, showing a relationship of coordination.

How do you know if a relationship is going well?

When a relationship is going somewhere, youand your partner connect not only in the physical, but in the psycologically and spiritual sense.

What is relationship related to computer technology?

Through technology people get connected, and since they can connect often , it's either via cellular phones, internet or other technology that helps people get connected , then relationship grows more deeper and can build up good connection to someone. This is just my point of view .

How do you go about connecting people?

People can connect through multiple means. The easiest way to connect people is through social networking such as Facebook, Twitter and MySpace. People can also connect through text message, phone or email.

How does culture influence human relationship?

Yes Culture allows us to connect with particular individuals

What does Max Gladwell say that today's children will take for granted?

The ability to connect with millions of people at any time