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To burp the ABC you must be prepared, you must drink a WHOLE carton of soda's and than EAT a WHOLE LOT! Than wait for your stomach to dijust and than wait for that final moment! Than sing the ABC's and watch to your amazment!

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3y ago

You need to learn to get a lot of air into your stomach. No need beverages or food at all

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Q: How do people burp ABC?
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How do you burp the ABC?

you burp, as you are burping make your mouth move as if you were saying a letter

Does people burp?

we burp beacause we need to let gas or we will have a hard time for more imfromation go to why do we burp

Can a betta fish burp?

Not in the same way that people 'burp' but they can and do 'gulp' air.

Do mute people burp?


How do you burp whenever you want?

To burp on command, try taking in a deep breath, then swallowing air until you feel a build-up in your stomach. Finally, push the air back up by tightening your abdominal muscles to trigger a burp. Practice this technique to learn how to control your burping. Remember to not force yourself, as it can lead to discomfort or other health issues.

Do Japanese burp after a meal to show they liked it?

yes if you dont burp you will be disrespected from that family or group of people

Did Kevin Jonas burp on the ymca burp zone?

well of course! like omg becky why not? Isnt it hot when people do?!

Why do people burp in your face?

To be rude or to make you sick!!

Why do people burb?

People burp because of air that needs to come out. Usually after eating, you burp because when you eat food, you might eat air so the air comes out.

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How does a dog burp?

a dog burps in there mouth not like people

Can mute people burp?

Yes, mute people can still burp because burping is a natural bodily function that does not require vocalization. Muteness typically refers to difficulty or inability in speaking, but does not affect other bodily functions.