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Don't be creepy.

Don't treat her like a child.

Don't act like you're old enough to be her father, even if you are (behave like a peer, not a senior).

Find common ground (Physics, philosophy, humor, medical conditions).

Appreciate her, not just her youth.

Respect her as the grown adult she is. (She had better be 18+ or you're looking at jail time, creep)

Don't poke fun when she tries to get involved in conversations with you & your buddies. It's not nice/won't get you any lovin' if you ridicule her for making mistakes about who was on the cast of "Love Boat." She wasn't around at the time or had better things to do at that age (such as learn to count to 5). Give her a break, that's part of why you like her: She's not old.

Basically the same things you'd do to get a lady of your own age. Classics work: honest modest flattery ("your hair smells lovely" vs. "that blouse is very becoming on you"), flowers (Allergies/preferences?), chivalry (not so dead, really)...

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Older women make her attractive to impress the younger men.

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Q: How do older men pick up younger women?
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Whatever works for them

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Who do older men have affairs with?

young and pretty women that tend to give up lots of attention and appreciate them more^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^The above answer is false. The reason older men are attracted to younger women is because a younger woman not only helps him feel younger but also boosts his ego. The younger woman is a trophy.This can also be said of older women pursuing younger men but it's not as common.

Why are older women jealous of younger women?

Older women are jealous when older men are attracted to younger women. Older men are attracted to younger women because they are biologically more desirable. Women lose their ability to bear children at age 40-50, but men never lose their ability to father children. Because sexual desire is linked to the instinct to procreate, men are attracted to women who appear fit and able to bear children, regardless of how old the man is.

Do older men really like younger women or do they use them for sex?

well, some older men likes younger women for their personalities, but some they just do use them for sex. It depends on what kind of a person that older man is.

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most of the times, younger men.. because of their sex drive.. younger men always look for an opportunity to have sex with an older women.. MILF ring a bell?

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Why are older men attracted to younger women?

Some older men may be attracted to younger women due to biological factors such as fertility and vitality. Additionally, societal norms and media often portray younger women as more desirable, leading to this preference. It is important to note that preferences vary among individuals and not all older men are attracted to younger women.

Why do older women love younger men?

Not true. It could be for money, but that is no love.

Why are older men obsessed with younger women?

Some older men may be attracted to younger women due to societal norms that prioritize youth and beauty. Others may seek a sense of vitality and energy through a relationship with a younger partner. It's important to note that not all older men are obsessed with younger women, and individual motivations can vary.

Why do older women want to younger men?

Some older women may be attracted to younger men because they find them more energetic, adventurous, or open-minded. Additionally, age is becoming less of a barrier in modern society, allowing for more diverse relationships. It ultimately depends on the individual preferences and dynamics of the people involved.