Dark nails indicate a B12 deficiency, white nails can indicate anemia, red nails are due to Heart disease, blue nail beds are a sign of a lack of oxygen in the blood, and yellow nail beds are a symptom of liver disorders. There are also other things your nails can indicate by the ridge type, the shape of the nail, and the quality of nail (brittle or fraying for example) as well.
Yes, it is possible that excellerated growth in the nails on the hands or feet might indicate a health problem. One example that can cause excellerated growth is a thyroid condition called Graves' Disease. Please check with your doctor if you think you might have any health condition.
Yellow nails are sometimes due to stains such as by saffron or turmeric. If not by food, the nails may be yellow due to fungus or underlying health issues. Such possible health issues include psoriasis or Type II diabetes.
Health care workers with artificial nails are more likely to carry pathogens, particularly MRSA, under the nails.
A dachshund's nails should be kept short enough so they do not touch the ground when standing to ensure their health and comfort.
Nail issues can often indicate a vitamin deficiency. White spots indicate a lack of Calcium, small vertical ridges indicate a lack of Potassium.
You have to have a health certificate to do nails anywhere. While it's not widely known there's a substantial health risk to doing nails, especially the risk of infection.
The appearance of your toenails can provide insight into your overall health because changes in color, texture, or thickness of the nails may indicate underlying health issues such as fungal infections, nutritional deficiencies, or systemic diseases like diabetes or heart disease. Monitoring the condition of your toenails can help you identify potential health concerns early on.
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Cancer does not cause pincer nails, but pincer nails may indicate an iron deficiency. Typically, a single pincer nail is the result of nail damage, ill-fitting shoes or a fungal infection.
A bluish tinge will indicate that either a) you have poor circulation (which can indicate heart disease in extreme cases), or b) your body weight/ body fat % is too low. Low body weight + cold = blue nails. Hope I've been of some help =)