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Normally mad, or confused.

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Q: How do men feel when you ignore them?
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Why do men that leave their wife for another woman ignore the wife?

Simple answer - Guilt. They know what they did was wrong, they feel guilty and childish. As they should do for breaking their wife's heart.

Can we feel the soul of the dead person?

According to one theory, all people can feel it they just ignore it.

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They make them feel dumb.

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He may be intinimidated or feel inferior to you

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ignore that person or persons or confront them and tell them how you feel

What to do if a guy always swears at you?

Ignore him. Swear words are harmless. His words can't change how you feel about yourself.Or maybe tell him how you feel.

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Try and Ignore the world and say your the best

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Ignore her, or you can try to tell her how you feel.

What do you do if a guy likes you but you don't like him as much?

You can either ignore him, tell him how you feel, or take advantage of him.

What should you do if you have big breasts which drives unwanted attention from men?

It's really hard, but learn to either ignore the men --or report them to an official at school or work.

Why do men not listen?

Due to the non-stop talking by women... over the years men have evolved and block out/not listen/ignore. It is the only way they can stay sane.

Can a rattlesnake hear its own rattle?

Probably - since it will be able to feel the vibrations through the ground. However - it'll likely ignore it - just as us humans tend to ignore our own voices !