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This is a fascinating area of psychology.

Verbally, men use language to solve problems, whereas women talk because they want to talk (they don't necessarily want their problems solved). For example, consider this:

Woman: "I can't believe the way Jane spoke to me today."

Man: "Well why didn't you tell her that?"

Woman: "Oh no, I didn't want to make a fuss."

The woman is voicing that she was annoyed, the man suggested how she solve the problem, but the woman didn't view it as a problem so won't follow his suggestion - she just wanted to voice her frustration. A woman might have been more likely to respond "No, what was she thinking? It was really out of order." or something like that. The circumstance may be different, but those sorts of exchanges happen all the time.

Also, women tend to be more receptive to body language.

Barbara and Allan Pease have done a lot of research into th differences between men and women. They did an interesting thing on TV once, around valentines day, where they were talking about a man giving a woman a bunch of 20 roses. They said women value small gestures often, but men value bigger gestures less often. Therefore the man would probably give the whole bunch as one gift, but the woman would give him more 'brownie points' if he gave her one rose each day for twenty days.

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14y ago
Girls opinionGirls want guys to talk to them nicely! Give girls compliments and stuff like that! Girls always want a guy to be polite and sweet to them! ButIf its a girl who likes bad boys IDK what to tell you!

I always want a guy to me a gentleman like funny sweet guinuine u know normal

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Often with great difficulty.

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