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Q: How do it feel to get some head?
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Why you feel that some fluid is moving in your head?

yeah...its probably blood

What is the region human feel tension?

People can feel tension throughout their body. The neck, chest, and head are some of the most common areas people feel tension during stress.

What does it mean for your head to be cold?

feel cold water in the head

Can you feel a pulse on your head?

Yes, you can. If you put your finger on your temple (part of your head) then you should feel your pulse. Remember there are many other places you can feel you pulse too !!!

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What do guys feel when they get head?


Why do some sports have to use pads helmets and other equipment and others do not?

In some sports their are more risk of a collision at the head. Other sports dont feel at if it ia needed seeing as their was probably not a lot of head injuries

You feel cold after head injury?

After my head injury I have cold sensations internally

How does kissing feel like?

a better anser would be. on your first kiss you feel really pleased for some reason you simile for no reason and i keep replaying the moment back in my head - ollie :D

Is it normal to have parts of your head feel numb after hitting your head really bad?

Right after hitting your head, yes. But it should only feel like that for a small amount of time. If it continues, GET TO A DOCTOR

How far dilated you have to be before you can feel the baby's head?

If the baby's head is engaged in the pelvis (pushing against the cervix) once the cervix is open 1 cm or a finger tip, you can feel his head.

Does a headache feel good to your head?

No. An ache is a pain, and no pain is good (especially that of your head).