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I will give you a suggestion to help you. Get a group of friends together for a movie and Pizza include the boy you like. Then, without any effort you can talk to him and to get to know him. If you decide you still like him get his number or text him later to ask him out .

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Michael Kreiger

Lvl 10
2y ago
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8y ago

I will give you a suggestion to help you. Get a group of friends together for a movie and Pizza include the boy you like. Then, without any effort you can talk to him and to get to know him. If you decide you still like him get his number or text him later to ask him out .

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2y ago
but what is he likes me and my sister

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Q: How do i ask my crush out?
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ask him if he has a crush on you!!! ask him if he has a crush on you!!!

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you ask your crush's best friend to ask your crush who your crush likes(it may not work but just try)

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a guy would ask u who your crush is so he could bug u about who your crush is

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You should ask your crush out yourself.

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It could be because he might be shy to ask them. You can ask your crush directly if they like you or not.

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Answer If you have such a crush on this boy, why don't you ask him to dance with you it's better than waiting for him to ask you.

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ask your crush out yourself... it shows he/she that your brave enough to ask her out and it will bring you a long way in a relationship.Good Luckk =)

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ask them

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Ask your crush out at school. Do that and see what happens.

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Ask your guy mate to ask your crush if he thinks your pretty? would he ever go out with you? ask him if hes got a crush on anyone at the moment? what hed love a girl to say or do to him? if your mate doesn't know already ask him his hobbies, basicly anything you need or want to know to get your crush, good luck x

How do you get a boy you have a crush on to ask you out?

You could just ask him out instead.