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they benefit humans by eating chicken breats

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Which was the first metal to be discovered how was benefit to humans?

It may be either gold, silver or copper (or bronze, a mixture of copper and zinc)

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Do humans benefit from the seahorse?

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Do human and rat form symbiosis?

Not really. In symbiosis, each partner derives benefit from the partnership. While rats benefit from humans, humans do not benefit from rats.

What animal benefits from a cow?

humans are animals and they benefit from eating cows. humans also benefit from drinking the milk of cows.

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no they are not

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We do it, not on purpose, but in trying to machine objects We benefit indirectly by producing products cheeper

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they don't

How does aerospace engineering benefit humans?

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How do humans benefit from the mongoose?

Humans benefit from mongooses because they help control pest populations by feeding on insects and small rodents. They also help reduce the spread of diseases carried by pests. Additionally, mongooses are sometimes kept as pets for companionship.