

How do grains help us?

Updated: 9/13/2023
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10y ago

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Grains provide many benefits for your body. They deliver nutrients that the body depends on. They also are a helpful source of fiber that cleans out the digestive system and assists with ridding the body of waste.

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Q: How do grains help us?
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It is not true that whole grains contribute to constipation. The opposite is true, whole grains can help to relieve constipation.

How do the nutrients in grain sources help the body?

Magnesium is responsible for growing bones and helps release muscle energy in the body. Grains are full of magnesium, which is why grains help the body grow.

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How much is 5 grains of gold worth?

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What help the pollen grains to stay on the tip of the style after they land there?

sticky stigma