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When flowers bloom during spring and the bees come out to pollinate them, it creates a chain of jobs which then is created into honey.

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Q: How do flowers help us?
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How do flowers help save the earth?

The help us breath when we help them live.

How do flowers help earth?

They help us breathe while we help them live.

How do flowers help the planet?

flowers help the planet by eating the carbondioxide then giveing out oxygen for us to breat hope i helped

How do the actions of the bees help the flowers survive?

how do the actions of the bees help flowers survive

How do butterflies and flower help each other?

Flowers help butterflies by providing them with food. Butterflies help flowers by spreading their seeds. Butterflies also help aid the flowers with pollination.

How do rabbit help flowers?

the rabbits help the flowers by rubbing them and carrying their pollen from one flower to another.

How does a flower help?

I think flowers help flowers grow bye the peddles falling off and the seeds falling out on the ground to prevent a cycle of on going flowers :)

What help a plant reproduce?

Bright flowers Nectar Scented flowers

How flower help us?

When flowers bloom during spring and the bees come out to pollinate them, it creates a chain of jobs which then is created into honey.

Describe how animals help pollinate flowers?

Animals help to pollinate flowers by landing on them and collecting pollen on their legs. This pollen is distributed to other flowers when that animal lands on it.

How do rose flowers help plants?

Rose flowers help plants by attracting beneficial insects and songbirds during pollination.

May flowers bring spring showers?

No, its the showers of rain that help the flowers to grow. Flowers do not cause rain.