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Epidermis is the is its primary function

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Q: How do epidermis function?
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What is the function of the epidermis in a monocot stem?

The function of the epidermis in the stem is to protect the underlying tissues.

What is a major function of the epidermis?


What is definition of epidermis and funcation?

The epidermis is the outer layer of skin. It's function is to protect the inside of the body from germs.

What is function of the epidermis?

Skin is respomsible for covering and holding the skelton in place

How are the function of lower epidermis and upper epidermis and was layer similar?

the function of epidermis: in the lower part there is the sign,cellula,membrua, sinkline, and midrib in the upper part of epidermis there is also the sign cell, cellule, membrua, and sinotopilensicuaye and in wax layer is the botany crispifiedencius "crispifiedencius" is a kind of cell which leaves layer the insects into it. and the last layer is synocimprotocium membulare crisd.

Which layer of skin provides nutrition to the epidermis?

The dermis is the layer of skin that provides nutrition to the epidermis. It contains blood vessels that supply nutrients and oxygen to the cells of the epidermis, helping to support their growth and function.

What is the function of the epidermal cell?

protects skinThe function of the cells in the epidermis is to die and form a protective layer around the body.

What is the function of nerves in the epidermis?

Nerves in the epidermis are responsible for detecting sensations such as touch, temperature, and pain. They transmit these signals to the brain, allowing us to perceive and respond to our environment.

What is the function of the layer between the epidermis and hypodermis in the skin?

The layer between the epidermis and hypodermis in the skin is called the dermis. Its function is to provide structural support, regulate temperature, and house important structures like blood vessels and nerve endings.

What is the function of the plant upper epidermis?

The upper epidermis is responsible for preventing water loss by evaporation. It does this by having a waxy cuticle on the top of the leaf. The lower epidermis has stomata, which allow gases to enter and leave the leaf as a result of photosynthesis and respiration.

What special structural characters does the root epidermis posses to perform these function?

The special structural character that the root epidermis possess is the root hairs which enables it perform its functions effectively.

How does the epidermis of the root differ from the epidermis of the stem in structure and function?

The epidermis of the root contains root hairs for absorption of water and nutrients from the soil, while the epidermis of the stem does not have root hairs. The epidermis of the root is also thinner and lacks stomata, whereas the epidermis of the stem may have stomata for gas exchange.