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You can't. It is your brain (mind) that needs sleep. Your body does not.

I don't believe that's correct. According to research I read about some time ago, there are certain brain wave changes that take place once a person falls asleep. Within 1-2 hours, depending on the individual, those brain waves return to the same levels at which they were when the person was awake. This led those researchers to conclude that, while both the body and mind benefit from sleep, the body needs it more; the brain only needs a couple of hours or less.

Sorry mate, but that is nonsense. The electroencephalographic signature of the brain is quite distinct during all stages of sleep, and these patterns differ markedly from those associated with conscious activities. In any case you would need to cite your sources. The bottom line - and best answer to this question - is your body needs REST, not sleep per se. Your brain needs the refreshment only healthy sleep provides.

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Q: How do I keep my mind awake while keeping my body asleep?
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