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“ Were tired of doing chores “every day complain Max and Emma?

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Q: How do I fix were tired of doing chores every day complain Max and Emma?
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no because you muscles get tired so it dose u no good Morgan wood

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You can, but if you're doing it to build muscle you may want to exercise every other day instead so it will give them a chance to rest and grow.

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Make yourself tired by doing exercise, running in place and watch t.v. to make your eyes tired. There is alot you can do!

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She was tired of this slavery she wanted every African American to be free so it can be fair. We are so thankful for her doing that!

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Being tired Hooves hurt Running Too many races Getting hit

Do teachers get tired of homework?

Teachers get very tired of grading all those homework papers! You have one assignment from each teacher -- the teacher has every paper from every kid in every one of their classes!

Why do you yawn loudly when bored?

because when you are bored, then you probably are tired of that thing your doing, or your plain out tired. Either way, you yawned. Get over it. :)

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Start over again when you are tired of doing everything to accomplish your goals.

How many laps should you swim for an effective workout?

Whatever makes you feel tired, but not to tired. I would see how long it takes me before I get tired, then try to improve that every other day (dont forget your body does need a break)

How do you not get tired quick?

well you could practise what you doing until you used to it and can handle doing it a little wjile longer. smile* wiink*