Girls like it when you become friends first, get to know the girl and find out if its really meant to be! Then if you think the two of you are compatible- DON'T jump- take it slowly. Start with winks and talking to her then arrange something clever like a school project or a marathon or even a simple car wash or lemonade sale! Your girl will somewhat see what you're trying to do, and hopefully play along. then surprise her and ask her out.... but if she loses interest then you took it TOO slow.
No it's very wrong do not do it
12 year old guys like girls who are funny, pretty, and realize that guys have feelings too.
hang around him and flirt
just be yourself and start talking to her, find things you have in common.
Do something outrageous in front of him. Guys love their crazy friends (All of my friends do some stupid sh!t) and he will automatically start spending time with you.
just laph at the things he said iven if there not funny.
Well just tease them a bit and never tell them that u like them it make them nervise.
I just answerd a question similar to this. See how does a 12 year old flirt
12 year oldGirlz like in 13 year old guyzLooksFunnienessNicethats what 12 year old girlz like in 13 year old guyz
Steam Room Stories - 2010 Straight Guys That Like to Gay Flirt 2-12 was released on: USA: 9 March 2011