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People communicate differently with others in different social circles. Depending on the type of person you are communicating with, the relationship may range from informal to very formal.

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Q: How different social professional and cultural context may affect relationship and the way people communicate?
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Give some examples of cross -cultural misunderstanding that might affect your work and work place?

Within the workplace, if this cross cultural misunderstanding between co-workers and clients, they can develop into conflict, that will impact on the quality and effectiveness of service delivery. If the workers and co-workers or clients, they don't understanding each other cultural or language, that they can't communicate, because communicate is very important in the community. It affects to the communicate, bad teamwork, poor attitude, lack of work recognition, relationship, so we need to learn each other cultural, try to understand each other cultural different.

What term describes the failure of people from different cultures to communicate effectively with each other?

Cultural misunderstanding

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socio cultural values is adapting relationship in behavior, beliefs and tradition in different settings.

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Some people are uncomfortable with cultural differences...This can lead to reluctance to communicate with people from other cultures - leading to (possibly) loss of trade.

How does culture affect interpersonal communication?

Culture impacts the ways in which people communicate as well as the strategies they use to communicate. The different life experiences people have based on cultural norms also affect the interpretation they have of messages delivered by others.

Relationship between multiculturalism and cultural assimilation?

there is no direct relationship. they are antithetical.

What is the definition of cultural interaction?

Cultural interaction is the relationship of various elements within a culture

What is the link between communication and culture that reinforce cultural beliefs and behaviour?

the link between communication and culture that reinforces cultural beliefs and behavior is that culture its self is accumulated knowledge that is learned and passed through generations. different cultures demonstrates different beliefs and behaviors that are learnt and and practiced by the young generations. different cultures communicate different life style, health practices, religious beliefs that are copied and practiced hence a certain behavior is common in different cultural groups.

Is there cultural geography?

Cultural geography is the study of cultural products, norms and traditions and their relationship to spaces and places. It is a sub-field of human geography.

Significance of socio-cultural and psycho-personal background in the communication process?

Socio-cultural and psycho-personal background has an impact on the communication process. For example, how we communicate non-verbally is often cultural.

What cultural issues may impact on you as an ICT professional if your organisation merges with another?

As an ICT professional there are many cultural issues which may impact if organisation merges with another. For instance it may arise of cross cultural issues, the tradition of doing their jobs.

What are the different understandings of nation?

These are some understandings of nation: relationship to land, geographic, collective, civic, ethnic, cultural, linguistic, political, spiritual, religious, patriotic