Gen. Larry Platt was an "American Idol" contestant who created the song "Pants on the Ground". He's not dead. That was an untrue rumor.
i think it was a rumor...
He didn't get in and did not get to go to Hollywood for those auditions
'pants on the ground,pants on the ground.Lookin like a fool wit yo pants on the ground,wit yo head turned sideways.Pants,pants,pants,pants on the ground actually its pants on the ground lookin like a fool wit yo pants on the ground, gold in yo mouth hat turned sideways pants hit the ground call urself a coolcat walkin down town wit yo pants on da ground giddyup
Pants on the Ground was created on 2010-02-04.
Pants to the Ground Pants to the Ground Walkin Round Town with Your Pants to the Ground!
Check his pants.
Check his pants.
He performed "pants on the ground" on American Idol finally May . 26 . 2010 ! so he's alive .
His pants are black and his t-shirt is blue
he is about 63
Billy Joel
Just get black shoe die and a bucket of water and dump the die in and put your pants in. it will not die the pants it will get a dark gray color