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shotoku got idea from his own govenment.

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Q: How did shotoku use Chinese government and cluture as a model?
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In what ways did emperor Shotoku use china as a model for Japan?

Prince Shotoku wanted to create a strong government and he looked to China on an example of what to do. You know that in China, a powerful emperor ruled with the help of trained officials chosen for there abilities. To reach this goal for Japan, Shotoku created a constitution or a plan of government. Shotoku's constitution gave all power to the emperor, who had to obeyed by the Japanese people. He also created a Bureaucracy and gave the emperor the power to appoint all the officials.

What did prince shotoku used china as a model for?

Prince shotoku used china for ceate Borgia

Who was the general model for the Seventeen Point Constitution?

In 604, Prince Shotoku offered this, and it was a list inspired by Buddhist and Confucian doctrines of what a government and a loyal citizenry ought to do.

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Vietnam was once a part of China so its religion and government traditionally were based on the Chinese model. They used the Chinese writing system until the 13th century where they developed their own system. During the French colonial period, they developed a romanized writing system developed by missionaries.

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She a Chinese model. Signed with Next model agency, New York.

Does the colt government model have the same frame as a colt mustang?

No. The barrlel and grip are longer on the Government model. The Gov't model has a barrel bushing, where the Mustang does not.

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I don't think there is such a place

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When was Colt Government 1911 serial number C226699 built?

That Colt model 1911 was a commercial model, not a government model and based on the serial number, it was made in 1947.

Where can primary 6 students find Chinese model compositions?

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Who is yuriko?

a famouse Chinese or japenese model,notsure -yuriko murillo

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