Winnie (the Pooh) was indeed a male, not female - a confirmed bachelor(?) who never had children.
Peter makgopa
Assuming your son is also your husband's son, then he and your husband's first cousin's child are second cousins. If your son is not also your husband's son, and has not be adopted by your husband, then your son is not related to any of your husband's relatives.
Christopher Milne is AA Milne's son.
The cast of Sky of Winnie - 2010 includes: Johny Chang as Husband
Christopher Robin, the writer's son.
Kanga & Roo <---- NOT There names are Butcekz and Pengas
Your husband's sister's son is your nephew, just as your sister's son is your nephew.
Your sister's son is not related to your husband's sister's son, because they share no common ancestor.
Your husband is great uncle to your niece's son (your great nephew).
are there a photographs of Minnie Ripperton husband and son
Your daughters husband is you son-in-law.