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Well, they're not boyfriend and girlfriend. So, they just know each other.

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Q: How did Sonic and Amy become boyfriend and girlfriend?
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Why did Sonic rescue Amy in Sonic CD?

Because that what Sonic does he saves people and since he saved amy amy has been his girlfriend.

Are Sonic The Hedgehog and Amy Rose brother and sister?

No. Amy considers herself Sonic's girlfriend.

Who is Amy rose's boyfriend?

Calls! Sonic the hedgehog her boyfriend ^_^

Is Amy rose sonic's girlfriend?

How? It just to simple amy just like sonic.But sonic do a friendly matter in romantic matter he won’t do that thing to amy😂 andi wish sonic says to amy i love you if you wish that please comment

What episode in sonic x says Amy is sonic girlfriend?

they never did, sega never announced of sonic and Amy to be an official couple in the sonic series.

Is Amy sonic's girlfriend?

No, but they are very good and close friends. sonic runs away from Amy (nother user) so in episodes it dosent show that well some times and sonic does love Amy but dosent show so yeah and if your a fan of Amy with someone or sonic with someone there lying

Does Amy Rose have a boyfriend?

Amy proclaim sonic as boyfriend but sonic just do being friendly matter but in romantic matter no way he don’t do as romantic matter

Who is Sonic's Girlfriend?

Sonic doesn't have a girlfriend however back in the 90s, the Sonic the Hedgehog manga(1992) introduced Amy Rose as Sonic's girlfriend. Amy was later introduced in Sonic CD, and Sonic Team changed her role from Sonic's girlfriend to Sonic's admirer. Sonic has been running away from her for 4 years until he stopped after the events of Sonic World Adventure(aka Sonic Unleashed) and has fealt comfortable with her ever since but not enough for him to accept her as his girlfriend. Note: Since some fans get the Archie canon confused for the main canon, they mistaken Sally Acorn as Sonic's girlfriend even though she doesn't exist in the games.

Who does Amy rose like?

She is Sonic's self-proclaimed girlfriend.

Did sonic ever kiss anyone?

Amy Rose his girlfriend

Did sonic break up with sally?

YES but now sonic has a new girlfriend her name is amy

What is sonic's girlfriend's same?

Amy Rose sonic's childhood crush i ship them no one gonna change my mind