Only a few millimeters like between, 2 to 5mm deep, not too deep. (Obviously if it's deeper than that you will need stitches and it will almost always scar then) Any cut will scar if you pick at it though
Some cuts are deep enough to leave a permanent scar. If that is the case, apply some cocoa butter on the wound liberally every day and it should help minimize the effects.
All deep scratches leave a scar no matter where the scratch is located. If the scratch bleeds, it will turn into a scar, this is how the body heals.
well,everyone is different,but in most cases yes. it depends on how deep the cuts are too. if they are deep deep than they are more likely to leave scars. but ive always been told that if you pick at a wound after it scabs over,that it will leave a scar no matter how deep it is.
Whether a cut will leave a scar depends on the location of the wound, the depth and width of the wound, how well it heals, and whether it is near a natural 'wrinkle' or fold of skin.
a deep cut that heals over and leaves a mark known as a scar
In my experience yea it'll mostly heal in a month but you're gonna have a scar. If you use a razor it's not gonna leave as much of a scar and it'll heal faster as opposed to a kitchin knife.
It might be a scar so it might not go away.
Out a plaster or leave to air, don't pick the scab or re cut it as it will scar
Leave a Scar was created in 2009.
If the cat has a small cut then bathe it and leave it, but if it is small and deep take it to the vets immediately.
Large wounds can leave a scar because the healing process involves the production of collagen fibers, which can be thicker and more pronounced in larger wounds. This excess collagen may lead to the formation of a scar as the skin repairs itself. Additionally, the skin may not be able to regenerate perfectly, resulting in a visible mark on the skin.
A 2nd or 3rd degree brun will leave a scar. Because they damage your skin tissues and your nerves. You can tell it's a 2nd degree burn when the area hurts alot and the skin is blistiring red. You can tell if it's a 3rd degree burn when the area is white and there is little or no pain at all because the nerves have been damaged.