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You have to go deep enough to slit thru a vain but PLEASE dont try if you do you will probably regret it more then anything and if you dont die you will have an UGLY scar for the rest of your life.

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12y ago

If you cut on your arm you may lose a lot of blood but you wont die. i will not tell you where to cut if you want to die. please choose life! i'v been through that.if your thinking about Suicide call here US:1-800-784-2433 (TOLL FREE)

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it all depends on who it is

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Q: How deep do you have to cut on your wrist to kill yourself?
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If you accidentally cut your wrist and go to hospital can you go to the psycho ward if you cut yourself in the past?

not if its an accident

If you cut your fore wrist will it still be in danger is it different from your inner wrist?

Yes it will. Loss of blood could be really dangerous and the chance of getting an infection from the cut would be big. PLEASE do not cut yourself. If you have a problem, cutting yourself would not solve it! It will just make matters worse. Talk to someone that you believe could understand you. Again, please DO NOT CUT YOURSELF!

How will you know your emo?

you will feel a strange urge to cut and slice yourself open. Especialy in the wrist.

Does the tattoo of a cross on demi lovato wrist mean she is a christian?

Actually, she is christian but it's against the bible to write on yourself ans cut yourself

How did April from rent kill herself?

she got HIV left a note for roger cut her wrist and bled to death

How deep are the arteries in your wrist Am I seeing the veins or the arteries when I look at my wrist How deep would I have to cut to hit an artery?

The Related Links section has a link to a website that has a diagram of the arm.The bluish blood vessels visible when you look at your wrist are veins. The arteries are deeper and not located particularly near the veins. Gray's Anatomy has a transverse section of the wrist; if you look at it you'll see you'd have to cut fairly deeply to hit one of the arteries, and the other is buried behind a ligament.

Were to cut your self so your parents cant see?

Id say probably on your wrist cause you can get as much satisfaction from the cut but is easily covered. To hide cuts on your wrist just wear bracelets. You can really cut anywhere but I'd say wrist is the best

Can you really hurt yourself or do any long damage by cutting yourself? can kill yourself ... by accident. If you cut an artery.

What does the pain of cutting yourself feel like?

The pain of cutting yourself depends on how you cut yourself, where you cut lyourself, and what you use to cut yourself, If you cut yourself deep the pain will obviously be more intense, but i do not recomend cutting deeper to intensify pain, if you cut yourself on the inside of your wrist it feels almost like just a slight sting, or a small burn, but on your leg, chest, and side it feels more intense almost like a fire, and if you use a knife it feels more intense as well, but using a razor blade(which is what i use) is more like just a burn or sting, but the only real way to describe cutting yourself is that it feels like a blade slicing your skin, obviously because that's what it is...

Is cutting your wrist good?

WikiAnswers does NOT give advice on how to harm your body. PLEASE do not cut yourself. If you have a problem, cutting yourself would not solve it! It will just make matters worse. Talk to someone that you believe could understand you. Again, please DO NOT CUT YOURSELF!

Why is it that when your wrist is cut you are die but if you cut your arm you are not die?

It's not like that. If you cut your wrist, OR your arm, anywhere deeply enough to open an artery, it is a life-or-death situation. But if you cut your wrist or arm not too deeply, it's a "cut" - you will recover from it.

Can you move your wrist after cutting it?

Of course you can move it but if the cut is really deep and is bleeding alot i wouldnt move it until the bleeding stops. Please be careful.